The Vice Chancellor's Background
Bishop Benezer David Mwang’ombe is the Vice Chancellor for All Nations Christian Church International University (ANCCIU), Reformation Bible College, The Global Vice President for Sun Moon University (South Korea). Formerly, he had been working for several years at various offices of local and central government in the united Republic of Tanzania as an Administrator and Human Resources practitioner, an Agricultural Science Secondary school Teacher at Mzumbe Secondary school, the Local Partner for Tools for Mission (TWAM, UK), and he once worked in Botswana Ministry of Education.
Furthermore, he is a senior lecturer for Theology and Management studies, and apart from teaching management studies and theological studies he also teaches Peace Education and Human Rights.
He also works as the National Secretary General for Universal Peace Federation Tanzania Chapter and the National Chairperson for Interreligious Association for Peace and Development.
In conclusion, Bishop works as the East Africa Vice President for International Charismatic Council (ICC) and various international organizations which deal with Peace making and Human Rights, and he is the Founder and Overseer for Fountain of Life Churches International (FOLCI) and Universal Ministry of Africa (UMOA TRUST).
In terms of Education:
He has the following qualifications: